Life in Japanについて

Life in Japan

Dormitory Information

Student dormitories are within walking distance of the school, with men's dormitories and women's dormitories available. Dormitory rooms are for 2 to 4 people and are equipped with air conditioning and beds.Since they are near the school, you can use your time effectively without having to commute to school.

Dormitory Fees

Dormitory Fee (double room) / month Utilities (including Wi-Fi) / month
20,000円 8,000円
  • When moving into the dormitory, you will need to pay a 20,000-yen moving fee.
  • Please pay 188,000 yen, which is 6 months' worth of rent, in a lump sum before coming to Japan. (Moving fee) 20,000 yen + (Dormitory fee) 120,000 yen + (Utilities) 48,000 yen = 188,000 yen
  • きれいな学生寮です。
  • 学生寮内 エントランス
  • 学生寮内 リビング
  • 冷暖房完備の部屋です。
  • 学生寮内清潔な浴室
  • 学生寮内 清潔な洗面所
  • 学生寮内 キッチン
  • 学生寮内 防犯カメラ完備
  • 徒歩約5分。女子寮、男子寮をそれぞれ完備
  • 学生寮内 リビング
  • 学生寮内 玄関
  • 清潔なお風呂や洗面所、ランドリー室。快適に過ごせます。

About Part-time Jobs

There are various commercial facilities such as convenience stores, restaurants, hotels, and supermarkets around the school, with part-time job opportunities in various industries. *If you have an international student visa, you must obtain permission from the immigration bureau to work part-time. With permission, you will be allowed to work part-time for up to 28 hours a week.
  • Part-time Jobsイメージ

  • 学校周辺にはコンビニ、飲食店、ホテル、スーパーなど様々な商業施設があります。

  • いろいろな業種のPart-time Jobs

  • いろいろな業種のPart-time Jobs


Here are some frequently asked questions about school life and life in Japan.
Can I study at school after class?
You can study in the school library.
Do I have the opportunity to interact with Japanese people?
There are Japanese students at the vocational school. There are exchange events such as school festivals.
Is there anything near the school or dormitory?
There are various facilities such as convenience stores, supermarkets, restaurants, parks, and libraries.
How can I find a part-time job?
You can get staff support such as how to find a part-time job and how to write a resume.
If I'm in trouble, can anyone talk to me?
You can always consult with the life counseling staff about life and the faculty about studying. In addition, we hold personal interviews once every three months.
